
  • , Our paper “CMASan: Custom Memory Allocator-aware Address Sanitizer” has been accepted by IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2025.
  • , Our paper “On the Robustness of Graph Reduction Against GNN Backdoor” has been accepted by 17th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security (AISec 2024). [PDF]
  • , Our paper “Imperio: Language-Guided Backdoor Attacks for Arbitrary Model Control” has been accepted by IJCAI 2024. [PDF] [Code].
  • , Our survey on privacy in Vertical Federated Learning is now available on arXiv. If you’re interested in VFL privacy research, please check it out [PDF].
  • , A preprint on LLM for backdoor attacks is now available on arXiv. [PDF] [Code].
  • , Invited to serve as PC member (for Track of Security, Privacy, and Trust in Distributed Systems) for IEEE ICDCS’24.
  • , We have been awarded AIRC RPI-IBM research grant.
  • , Our paper “A Comparison of End-to-End Decision Forest Inference Pipelines” has been accepted to ACM SoCC 2023. Thanks to all the co-authors.
  • , Our paper “Privacy-Preserving Redaction of Diagnosis Data through Source Code Analysis” has been accepted to SSDBM 2023. Many thanks to Lixi, Prof. Jia Zou and Hong Min!